
The Legacy
The Books


Night Drill

Zero Shelter

The Wasp

Life in Space




Link to Tom Brown's
Tracker School in
southern New Jersey













































The Wasp

    It was only the first day of a 4-day survival campout, and I had partly finished building a summer lean-to out of sticks and leaves.  I had just stopped to take a break, and was just standing there looking out into the woods when I heard a small sound.  It was a small crunching sound like someone slowly crinkling a tiny piece of tissue paper.  I glanced in the direction of the sound and saw nothing but the trees and the forest floor.
        I then moved toward the sound, stopping every few steps to listen. It seemed to be coming from a small beech tree about 75 feet away. It was spring and the tree still had all its leaves from the previous year. They were a light tan color, all dried out, and with the texture of tissue paper.
        I moved closer to the sound, isolating it to a single leaf which was just at eye level.  As I stood there with my face only about a foot from the leaf, I saw a wasp standing on the leaf and chewing its edge.

The first thought I had was that maybe it was chewing the dried leaf and mixing it with saliva in order to make the walls of its wasp nest.  I felt fortunate to be able to witness this at such close range.
        After a minute or two, the wasp suddenly moved to the underside of the leaf with only its head peering above the edge of the leaf and in the direction of my shelter.  In the next moment, a delicate green insect with a very long tail flew in from a distance and landed on the top of the leaf.  Instantly, the wasp jumped to the topside of the leaf, grabbed the insect and stung it.  After several more seconds had passed, the insect had ceased all movement.
        I stood there in complete amazement at the events that had just unfolded not two feet in front of my eyes.  Then, the wasp repositioned itself over the insect so that it could grasp it with its middle legs.  It carried its load out to my edge of the leaf.  I moved off to the side a bit.  I could hardly believe that it was going to attempt to fly while carrying an insect every bit its own size.  But, with a committed motion, it launched itself from the leaf and flew off to the southeast.  It seemed to know exactly where it was going.
            I watched until I lost sight of it, then stood there a moment longer looking at the beech leaf with the chewed edge, and thinking about the drama that had just played out on that tiny stage.  I thought about that wasp's tiny brain - its strategies - its purposes - the green insect who had chosen to fly up to that leaf - the faint chewing sound that had also drawn me over to that same leaf.  I had witnessed much more than I could fully understand.
        It has always been full of mysteries that I knew I might never solve. For me, on that day, it was a teacher of unspoken lessons.

(Will Franck - Greensboro, NC. - 1992)

